Growing Up Healthy Help

Here's the deal: There are thousands of chemicals on the market, many of which are found in products we use everyday, and your kids use everyday. If you are learning this for the first time, it will cause all sorts of reactions and emotions.

Say WHAT?! How is this even possible? How did I not know this? This is overwhelming. I'm scared. How do I avoid these products?

We've run through the gamut of these questions and emotions as well, as have many of the parents we know. Kids deserve better. You as a parent deserve better.

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Here is where we step in: We are here to help.

Each week, we are going to highlight a toxin, teach you how to spot it, the health problems that exposure to it can cause, tell you how we avoid it, and teach you how to do the same at home. Our hope is you learn something, and use that knowledge to make more informed purchasing decisions. Now, if you forget something, come back to our blog to find it, view our healthy guide, or go straight to our online shop to purchase products we use in our facility.

This week, we are focusing on Lead, Asbestos, and Organic Solvents.

SPOT IT: Lead, asbestos, and organic solvents are found in art supplies that enhance pigmentation, preserve art products and improve application. Some examples include scented markers, oil-based paints, spray paint, dyes, instant papier-mache, and permanent markers.

HEALTH CONCERN: Lead, asbestos, and organic solvents can cause asthma, allergies, headaches and nausea, especially if used in a poorly ventilated area.

OUR COMMITMENT: To avoid lead, asbestos, and organic solvents, Helen R. Walton Children's Enrichment Center uses non-toxic art supplies approved by the Art and Creative Materials Institute (ACMI). We use art supplies in well-ventilated spaces with windows and/or fans. Children wear protective smocks and wash their hands after using art materials. We avoid adult materials like shaving cream for sensory play and borax for play dough.

SOLUTIONS AT HOME: To avoid lead, asbestos, and organic solvents, look for products marked with “AP” (ACMI non-toxic seal). Use art materials in a well-ventilated space and wash hands after use. To shop some of the art products we use, you can visit our online store.

When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, but there is NO additional cost to you. Funding supports our scholarship program, which means all earnings go directly back to help our children and families. Help us, help them, and get a little (healthy) something for your family along the way.


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