Explained: PVC, the toxic threat in everyday products, from toys to teethers.
PVC (Polyvinylchloride or Vinyl ) is the most environmentally damaging plastic. Its production, use, and disposal result in the release of toxic chemicals and the combination of these chemicals is what makes plastic products dangerous for kids and babies. But wait, aren't our babies’ pacifiers and teethers mostly plastic!? Most moms would agree that pacifiers and teethers are little gifts from heaven. Let's find some great solutions for our little babes.

SPOT IT: Polyvinylchloride (PVC) or Vinyl is found in soft plastic toys made with PVC, bibs, doll clothes,
teethers, and vinyl fabrics.

HEALTH CONCERN: Phthalates act like hormones, which can lead to a variety of reproductive problems.

OUR COMMITMENT: Helen R. Walton Children’s Enrichment Center uses organic rubber for teethers and ice packs and organic cotton bibs. We avoid plastic toys and focus on equipment made of natural materials.

SOLUTIONS AT HOME: Look for products that use organic rubber and avoid plastics. “Numbers 7, 6 and 3 are NOT for me!



This week, we are focusing on Polycarbonate.