You've heard it before but it is worth repeating (many times!), plastic is icky. And while it's great to avoid plastics made with BPA, PVC, BPS, and phthalates - plastics still release toxins when heated (think microwave or dishwasher!). Bottom line: if you really must use plastic, don’t heat it and wash it by hand in warm water. Better yet, begin replacing your items one by one with natural products (wood, stainless steel, silicone). Visit our shop for some easy solutions!

SPOT IT: In the lining of most canned food and drinks, food processor bowls, and 'shatterphoof' plastic cups and pitchers. BPA is no longer used in US baby bottles or sippy cups, but some replacement plastics are suspect.

HEALTH CONCERN: Bisphenols can harm hormone systems. It leaches from materials when heated, scratched, or exposed to acidic food. Even low levels of BPA can lead to prostate and breast cancer, reproductive problems, diabetes, and obesity.

OUR COMMITMENT: We use only fresh or frozen foods. We use child-sized stainless steel plates, bowls, cups and silverware. Sippy cups have silicon lids.

SOLUTIONS AT HOME: Consume more fresh foods and use less canned foods. Allow your child to use regular dishes. Try ceramic or stainless steel plates and glass or stainless steel cups when possible.


Lessons the COVID-19 Pandemic Taught Us
