Growing up Healthy- BPA in the Kitchen

When we moved to our new facility, we eliminated the six major classes of chemicals and moved to all healthy items from insulation down to sippy cups. Team members and children alike have adapted very well to the new materials we have introduced!

Every Friday you can find a new blog on the changes we have made and how you can work toward a healthier environment at home.

This week we are looking at healthy changes in the kitchen. Many kitchen items we use every day have dangerous toxins, including BPA which is in besphenols. BPA can be found in the metal cans in our pantry or the plastic baby bottles and plastic sippy cups that our little ones use. We have eliminated the use of all canned goods and plastics during meal times.

In the pictures you can see that children are using stainless steel plates and cups that do not contain toxins. Pineapple and other fruits we serve are either fresh or flash frozen, never canned.

Easy changes for your home:

  • Eliminate plastic bottles and sippy cups - use glass or stainless steel

  • Eliminate use of canned goods at home - fresh foods are always better!

Share with us! How do you eliminate toxins in your home?

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It Starts Early


CDC Study on Adverse Childhood Experiences