
to Clothing Assistance


Currently, 37 million, or 11% of all Americans are living in poverty and struggling to afford basic necessities, like coats, gloves, hats, and diapers.

We are here to lend a helping hand. We provide year-round clothing assistance for items like shirts, pants, shoes, socks, etc. to children of HWCEC families in need.

We also provide winter coats, hats, and gloves to HWCEC children who sign up for assistance in the Fall of each year.

Helen R. Walton Children’s Enrichment Center provides winter coats, hats, and gloves to children of families who may be in need. This is based on the honor system; therefore, there is no formal application process.

If you are looking for another way to give back around the holidays, we are accepting donations for the Winter Coat Drive. The program is fully supported by charitable donations.

If you would like to shop for a child, please email Jennifer at with questions about the program.

What People Are Saying

“The past few years have been trying and difficult to say the least. The love and support from HWCEC make it possible to keep our little ones healthy and happy. I cannot express the gratitude we have for your amazing facility, extraordinary team and family resources. Thank you for letting us be a part of the HWCEC family. EVERYONE at HWCEC deserves a "You Rock" for being awesome, for always smiling, and for loving and caring for our kids as their own. We appreciate all of you every day!”

— A Parent